Tips For Getting More Out of Marketing Automation

Tips For Getting More Out of Marketing Automation

Tips For Getting More Out of Marketing Automation

Posted: 27 May 2016 08:14 AM PDT

The Friday Five —a collection of five curated articles from around the Internet  topic this go round: Marketing Automation. 


The good news is that of the 62% of companies under $100 million in revenue that have adopted a marketing automation platform, 85% are happy with their solution,according to a recent survey from Salesfusion. But the bad news is that 15% are shaking aspirin from a bottle, complaining about their tech’s inefficiencies and scaring off the 38% that haven’t yet invested. Here’s a few simple tips to help those in the latter category find marketing automation success.

Read the full story on Chief Marketer. 

Guarantee your marketing automation success with persona-based content

If you really tried to automate all of your marketing, the results would not be good. We have all seen examples of over-engineered, algorithm-based communications, and it always seems to have some element of whatever Hollywood “computers take over the world” scenario is most burned into your brain. Depending on your age, it could be the computer from “WarGames,” “Skynet,” or when the Cylons infiltrated the Colonial fleet.

Marketing automation is not science fiction. It is really about adding technology to marketing in smart ways and automating processes that happen in the background, like collecting data or sending emails.

Read the full story on Marketing Land.

Improve Your Leads, Clean Your Data & More Marketing Automation Secrets

B2B marketing automation success usually comes down to three factors: leads, leads and leads. CMSWire author Michael Rooney reported that according to research by Regalix, the top three objectives for marketing automation in the B2B sector are improving lead nurturing, improving lead quality and increasing lead generation. 

Read the full story on CMS Wire.

How Marketing Automation Streamlines Sales and Marketing

Combined with your customer relationship management (CRM) database, marketing automation software can improve, simplify, and accelerate your sales and marketing efforts. Although marketing automation has been wrongly associated with spam, businesses and customers both benefit from the personalized, timely, and dynamic messages this powerful software enables. 

Read the full story on PC Magazine.

4 tips to help switch marketing automation systems

What's more nerve-wracking than selecting a marketing automation system? Switching from an old platform to a new one. The transition process can be painful, but these four tips can help you avoid some of the most significant pitfalls.

Read the full story on

Be sure to take a close look at a vendor’s analytics, customer service, reporting, and custom dashboard capabilities. These are just some of the factors to know before you buy. Download Busting Common Myths of Marketing Automation: The Reality of the Marketing Technology Journey to learn more. 

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