KISSmetrics: How to Evaluate the ROI of Branded Content
KISSmetrics: How to Evaluate the ROI of Branded Content How to Evaluate the ROI of Branded Content Posted: 26 Jan 2017 12:41 PM PST In 2011, Google's Zero Moment of Truth report struck fear into the hearts of marketers and companies alike with its finding that the average consumer reviews 10.4 pieces of content before converting. What made this finding so scary? It underlined the importance of content to modern marketing strategies, and many companies feared they weren't producing nearly enough content to drive conversions. To remain competitive, marketers and small businesses jumped in feet first. Their version of "shoot first; ask questions later" resulted in a lot of content produced on websites that wasn't actually doing much converting. The Benefits of Branded Content Soon, astute businesses realized that publishing high-quality content instead of high volumes of content was what really counted. These bu...