
Showing posts from July, 2016

3 Tips to Improve Marketing Accountability

3 Tips to Improve Marketing Accountability 3 Tips to Improve Marketing Accountability Posted: 29 Jul 2016 10:00 AM PDT Marketing accountability can be a challenging endeavor – and conquest—for organizations. While it can be incredibly exciting for an organization to make the decision to introduce technology platforms to assist in the improvement of marketing accountability, it’s critical to understand the management and measurement implications that will support success.  Even when an organization has processes in place to leverage technologies, refinement and optimization strategies must continually evolve in tandem with marketing goals.  Whether you’re a marketing leader or a boots-on-the-ground pro managing marketing technology daily, here are some key considerations to enhance your marketing accountability: 1. Position your marketing for programmatic success.  To employ a necessary clich...

78 Marketing Tasks You Should Outsource Immediately - Quick Sprout

78 Marketing Tasks You Should Outsource Immediately - Quick Sprout 78 Marketing Tasks You Should Outsource Immediately Posted: 29 Jul 2016 07:57 AM PDT If you're like me, you stay busy. Running a business is a tall order in and of itself. When you throw marketing into the mix, things can quickly become overwhelming. If you haven't felt this way yet, you're going to feel it soon:  There just aren't enough hours in the day! Here is one thing I learned early on in my business: outsourcing will save your life. I speak from personal experience. There's no way I could have done what I've done without strategically and carefully outsourcing a lot of the day-to-day marketing tasks that took up my time and kept me from focusing on other goals.  Why I'm a fan of outsourcing Outsourcing has tons of benefits. Most businesses rely on outsourcing because they want to " focus on the core ." That's a...

KISSmetrics: Customer Data: The Solution to Lead Generation

KISSmetrics: Customer Data: The Solution to Lead Generation Customer Data: The Solution to Lead Generation Posted: 29 Jul 2016 09:57 AM PDT More leads, please. In most companies, it's an ongoing process to generate interested buyers to your product and services. We want qualified leads that move effortlessly throughout the sales cycle. But the problem lies in our preparation. Some of us just don't have enough information about our prospects. The CSO Insight study reported that " 42 percent of sales reps feel that they don’t have the right information before making a call." Use accurate customer data to prepare your team. Knowing key insights can make or break the deal. Power up your data profile. Leverage it to produce more qualified leads. Gathering Reliable Data Based on an Ascend2 study , "35 percent of those surveyed said the biggest barrier to lead generation success is the lack of quality data....

Email Marketing: The Permission Question and the Deliverability Answer

Email Marketing: The Permission Question and the Deliverability Answer Email Marketing: The Permission Question and the Deliverability Answer Posted: 29 Jul 2016 06:00 AM PDT Permission is something that is discussed every day with our deliverability customers. They are always asking questions around what is and what isn’t acceptable. Senders want to understand who they can email, and how can they grow that list each and every day. The list of places where marketers are asking for permission also seems to grow every day as well. Let’s review the standards of permission that we believe are necessary to be successful. We require an explicit opt-in to communicate with customers. This might be an eye-opener for some senders who have relied on implicit opt-in as the permission method of choice. Why the change? This change came from the evolution of ISP’s and how they look at engagement. They have upped the standards to a po...

KISSmetrics: 9 Ways For Marketers To Do Amazing Technical Things Without Knowing Code

KISSmetrics: 9 Ways For Marketers To Do Amazing Technical Things Without Knowing Code 9 Ways For Marketers To Do Amazing Technical Things Without Knowing Code Posted: 28 Jul 2016 11:33 AM PDT As a marketer, you are always looking to do more with less. You may get the sense that technology can help you do better and you're right. Follow along as I explain exactly how you can harness this force without writing a single line of code. 1. Do A/B Split Tests and Personalization Visual Website Optimizer and Optimizely that allow you to drag and drop your changes across the website by simply copy and pasting a snippet of code across your website (or getting somebody technical to help you do that). Both tools allow you to customize your website for different types of visitors, and they'll allow you to run controlled experiments to see which variations of your web pages perform best. Optimizely allows you to drag and drop different variati...


Unbounce Clinton vs. Trump: 18 CROs Tear Down the Highest Stakes Marketing Campaigns in US History Posted: 28 Jul 2016 12:00 AM PDT Who has the best digital marketing campaign? We’ll let you be the judge. Let's start by getting one thing straight: this is not a political article . As tempting as it might be to enter the fray… by "tear down" I don't mean a smear campaign, ill-tempered mudslinging or anything quite that provocative. What I mean is a detailed examination of the two US presidential nominee's online "sales" funnels and their overall presidential marketing tactics . Why? Because no matter which side of the political aisle you're on, these could very well be the highest stakes online funnels in the history of the world. In the wake of Barack Obama's second presidential win, Kyle Rush — former Head of Optimization at Optimizely and now Hillary Clinton's Deputy CTO — pulled ...